I have very few open source web development projects; you'll find all of them here. They're just sample apps I created to help others learn. This page contains links to 8 repositories.
If you find any of these projects useful or helpful, please consider buying me a coffee.
Bootstrap Navbar Complete Sample
When I created my first Bootstrap application, I struggled to understand how to create a site with a menu bar at the top and a footer at the bottom. I finally figured it out and published this complete sample application illustrating how to do it.
I created this sample app when I noticed that Apple and a lot of other vendors weren't using the (then) new HTML Input types. I didn't understand why developers who knew they were asking for an email address weren't using the email input type which automatically switched to the right keyboard for email entry.
I created this simple app to allow me to easily calculate an adjusted page number based on the actual length of the book's readable content.
Ionic Build Information Module
I was working in an Ionic project and realized that I wanted to write the app's build details the the console at startup but couldn't figure out the most efficient way. After doing some research I realized that the solution I needed didn't exist, so I created one. When you run this utility in an Ionic project folder, it updates a build info module in the project. The app can then import the module and use data in it to write build number and build date information to the console.
In 2020 I delivered a webinar on Progressive Web Apps for O'Reilly. This repository contains the instructions and all of the starting source code for the session.
I volunteer at an organization called We Connect The Dots, and for years now I've helped create and deliver content around web development. This repository contains a series of simple ReactJS apps I created to help students learn React development.
ReactJS Build Information Module
I was working in an React JS project and realized that I wanted to write the app's build details the the console at startup but couldn't figure out the most efficient way. After doing some research I realized that the solution I needed didn't exist, so I created one. When you run this utility in a ReactJS project folder, it updates a build info module in the project. The app can then import the module and use data in it to write build number and build date information to the console.
Generates a URL for a package using a UPS tracking number. The URL launches the UPS website and displays the tracking information for the package.