This page is a place for me to list repositories that don't fit the other categories. What you'll find here are repositories related to several conference presentations I've given over the years plus the source code to accompany my Hackspace Magazine articles. This page contains links to 7 repositories.
If you find any of these projects useful or helpful, please consider buying me a coffee.
All Things Open 2023 Example Code
This repository contains the sample scripts used in my 2023 All Things Open session entitled Write Shell Scripts Using JavaScript and zx.
The source code from all of my (4) Hackspace Magazine articles.
The source code for the sample applications demonstrated during my NCDevCon 2017 session. For this session, I showed (rather quickly) how to build applications using different cross-platform mobile frameworks.
PhoneGap Day Presentation 2017
The source code for my PhoneGap Day 2017 presentation. In this session, I demonstrated how to add support for Microsoft's Cordova Simulate to an Apache Cordova plugin.
VS Code Webview Dialog Proof of Concept
This repo contains a library project vscode-webview-dialog and a test/demo VS Code extension project vscode-webview-dialog-test that references the library.
VSCode Describer GenAI Extension
A Visual Studio Code extension that generates a description of an article using Generative AI (GenAI) and ChatGPT and adds it to YAML front matter for the article. The extension targets users who use Visual Studio Code to edit blog posts for static site generators (like Eleventy).
Visual Studio Extension Progress Demo
I'm working on my first Visual Studio Code extension and as part of the extension's work, it calls a long-running external API that could take 30 seconds or more to complete. I started looking for way to display a progress dialog and discovered the vscode.window.withProgress.